[EP22] - Jai Long, Getting The Job Done
In today’s episode, we talk to Jai Long. A wedding photographer first and foremost. Founder of multiple successful businesses. Coach. Creative. Rangefinder 30 rising star. And fellow podcaster. We catch Jai on the cusp of one of his biggest business ventures to date: his Wedding Photography Summit. Together we reflect on his journey up to this point, how he diversified and scaled his businesses and the sort of attitude it takes to make an impact online and beyond.
Get to know Jai Long (if you don’t already)
After having a somewhat nomadic upbringing, Jai wanted to combine his unique perspective on love and all of its beauty with something creative. And hence Free The Bird, his wedding photography business, was born in 2013. Since then, the Free The Bird has grown astronomically, allowing him to build his empire of revenue streams. Jai has an insatiable energy and courage which has taken him to new heights. Never afraid to fail or look stupid. Leading him to an undeniable amount of success.
What we cover
An intro to Jai and his catalogue of revenue streams.
Why he diversified from wedding photography and his next steps.
When NOT to diversify or start another business.
Scaling and taking on staff.
How to build social media audiences and momentum.
How to become a social media leader - not getting followers but giving to them.
Idea generation and speedy execution.
Trusting your intuition.
A day in the life of Jai Long.
His awesome upcoming Wedding Photography Summit.
How persistence landed him Gary Vee
Jai Long’s 3 implementable things to level up your business or pockets:
Don’t forget about your customer database - they already love what you do.
Stop sitting on the sidelines. Get to work and build your worth.
Blaze your own path. Don’t follow or compare, lead.
My biggest takeaway
I’d say my biggest takeaway from this awesome conversation was the power of just doing. Jai shows the value of getting out there and making your ideas a reality. Not waiting for a perfect moment or spending so much of your time carefully crafting everything to perfection. While you’re planning, someone else might be out there reaping your rewards.
Links mentioned in the show
Wedding photography summit: https://weddingphotographysummit.com/
Jai’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jailong.co/
Jai’s Website: https://jailong.co/
Jai’s podcast: https://jailong.co/category/podcast/
Free the Bird Wedding photography: https://www.freethebird.com.au/