[EP1] - Ryan Teague, Welcome to Escaping The Ordinary



When I started Feather and Finch Photography, I never had an idea of where it would take me, that I would be earning more money than ever and get to travel the world.

Along the years, I have always been heavily invested in self-development, from online learning, podcasts, workshops etc, I have always known that in order for me to succeeded I need to make a business I am proud of, one that could withstand things like what is happening all around us at the moment which is COVID-19.

At the top of the list for self-development for me has always been podcasts, they are easy to digest, you can learn on the go and learn from people you look up to.

The only thing for me was that I never really found a podcast that dove deep, that interviewed guests that I wanted to learn off and most importantly, one that never really gave implementable tasks that I could take and use in my business to start levelling up.

Escaping the ordinary podcast is here to show you the HOW, the podcast is a no-bullshit podcast that gets the facts of what it took and takes to run a successful photography business, to be the purple cow amongst the crowd.

It is about educating you with the business and photography tools to allow you to shine, to dominate your market, to stand out from the rest, to help you succeed in your photography dreams.

From beginners to seasoned pros I am here to help, to talk about how I turned from never being a photographer to becoming a full-time photographer in one year.

I am so glad that you are here, listing and in it for the journey, so stay tuned for our weekly episodes.

Ryan xxx

Links to what was spoken about

Purple Cow - Seth Godin


[EP2] - Shay Taylor, Marketing for photographers