[EP5], Si Moore (Bayly & Moore) Creative Diet

Si Moore’s 3 implementable tasks that you can do to level up your game

  1. Take control of what you’re doing

  2. Take control of your creative diet

  3. Get a crew

This episode is extra special since I got to interview a good friend, an exceptional mentor, and someone I look up to—Si Moore. Truth be told, it’s hard to run out of compliments when describing Si. Loving, generous, genius, film guru, wonderful friend, craftsman, butterfly breeder, lover of fine things, and overall beautiful man, Si is all that and then some.

Si is in a league of his own. One half of the New Zealand-based photography duo Bayly & Moore, he has almost a decade’s worth of experience travelling the globe and shooting people in love. A Rangefinder NYC awardee, Si has a deep passion and attraction for analogue photography.

In this episode, I was treated to some sort of masterclass as Si generously and candidly shared his thoughts and insights on various topics—life, work, photography, relationships, and the fascinating creative diet. I hope you’ll enjoy this episode as much as I did!


Key Takeaways

  • His thoughts on the COVID-19 pandemic

  • How they’re handling the pandemic’s impact work-wise

  • How he manages his time effectively

  • How he approaches his interactions with people

  • His thoughts on the creative diet

  • What he does to maintain his creative diet

  • His thoughts on calibration


“I think you always have to figure out where you’re putting your time.”

“Your secret weapon is empathy.”

“I can help you to not have to make the 300 wrong turns I took.”

“Just practice empathy. Be the person people always want around.”

“It’s basically like ‘you are what you eat.’ Whatever you put in is what you’re gonna get out.”

“You might as well calibrate yourself deliberately.”

“If you see something that you like, just stop and be like, ‘who made this?’”


Si Moore’s FB Page - https://www.facebook.com/si.moore.3
Si Moore’s Website - https://www.sasmoore.com
Si Moore’s Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/sasmoore/
Si Moore’s email - simon@baylymoore.com
Bayly & Moore’s FB Page - https://www.facebook.com/si.moore.3
Bayly & Moore’s Website - https://www.baylymoore.com
Bayly & Moore’s Workshop - https://www.baylymoore.com/workshops/


[EP6] - Oli Sansom, Separate your ego


[EP4] - Chase Wild, Joining forces